Monday, 12 January 2009


It was yesterday (SUNDAY 11/01/2009) we went to Zoo Negara..This is the place where bibi buat volunteer work.I know she love Animal's..hmmm..Ok..Wake up at 8am have a tea and also a good healthy shake..Go to shower and wait for bibi to pick me up be4 10am..
So she do arrive be4 10am and we straight away to ZOO..

We have Giraffe,Jumbo Elephant(big POOP),the olympic swimmer tiger,we have a masturbating chims(WTF),Lazy Orang Utan(bulu macam Carpet),Bear pemalas(kuat tido),Bangau CCTV MMR2 pun ada.... and so and so...

SO as always long story short..enjoy the pics...

Ni la JUMBO ynag Berak 5kilo and kencing 5liter..Power siot...

Yang ni pulak Bangau oh Bangau yang selalu bersepah kat tiang lampu MMR2 sebijik macam CCTV.

Giraffe si jinjang...

Bear ni rajin yang malas tu xde plak..huhu

Haiwan kegemaran BIG TIME..power ni kawan lama la katakan..huhu

yang ni mmg xde adab punya mangkuk tingkat ada plak orang bagi dia makan dia main tarik tarik "penis" dia..cilakak tol..dah la konek ko hodoh lai nak tunjuk kat orang..

Orang Utan tahap dewa bulu dibadan...

Best Haiwan of the day jatuh kepada Tiger The Olympian

Sekian terima kasih dan datang lagi.....

Healthy and wealthy peeps.

What's up with the title.People with a good health and a lot of money.yes that is one good combination..if u have money but you are not healthy..hmmmm NO NO..If u healthy but no money OK la..But why not Being Healthy and at the same time be RICH..BIG YES YES..

So I've just restart my diet and nutrition food program and this will take some big hell of commitments and also some good what I'm trying to speak here is anything that you want to achieve must have passion on it.determination is one of the most powerfull thing in your body..Try find it somewhere and use it wisely.This thing really works..It just need full understanding and commitment.

So don't waste ur time and money.